Walbec and our family of companies are equal opportunity and affirmative action employers who actively recruit diverse workforces and offer a positive and inclusive culture. Collectively, we also recognize the importance of partnering with Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contractors and are committed to supporting and growing the DBE community within Wisconsin.

We accept quotes and will assist with bonding, credit, insurance, equipment, and materials/supplies questions. We encourage all WisDOT subcontractors providing quotes to Walbec to utilize DBE trucking and DBE suppliers whenever possible.

The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program started with the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, which set a national goal of allocating at least 10% of federal highway funds to disadvantaged small business enterprises. A subsequent act in 1987 included women. The goal of the DBE program is to increase the participation of firms owned by disadvantaged individuals in federally funded transportation projects. Within the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), the Office of Business Opportunity and Equity Compliance (OBOEC) oversees the DBE program.

As part of its commitment to the DBE program, Walbec participates in and coordinates with WisDOT’s Mentor Protégé Program. The purpose of the Mentor-Protégé relationship is to enhance the capabilities of the protégé and to improve its ability to compete for state and federal contracts successfully. In addition to this formal Mentor Protégé Program, Walbec has mentored and assisted numerous DBE companies working to establish themselves in the industry.

To meet or exceed DBE project requirements, we notify DBE contractors early in the letting process to inform them of opportunities to provide quotes for available work items. We share direct contact points for assistance.


Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE Program)

State of Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation Construction Bid Letting